KaWe Dermatoscopes

KaWe Dermatoscopes

Suspicious moles, spots or other skin conditions?

KaWe dermatoscopes are modern, compact and equipped with high-quality optics. The bright LED illumination creates a very sharp image for an optimal diagnosis of the skin.

Suspicious moles, spots or other skin conditions?

KaWe dermatoscopes are modern, compact and equipped with high-quality optics. The bright LED illumination creates a very sharp image for an optimal diagnosis of the skin.

The Dermatoscope in the general practice?
An official research study on skin cancer by a renowned Dutch hospital has shown that the dermatoscope for examining suspicious skin areas is also a valuable tool for the general practitioner.

Skin cancer is becoming more common and therefore general practitioners see more and more patients with suspicious spots in their practice. According to current estimates, one in six Dutch people will develop skin cancer at some point. In the Netherlands, most "suspicious" skin abnormalities are first evaluated by the general practitioner. On average, a general practitioner is therefore consulted about 6 to 7 times per week. It is expected that the number of consultations with a GP will continue to increase in the near future. However, GPs often have few or no well-researched instruments for examining any skin abnormalities.

The research study investigated whether the use of a dermatoscope by a general practitioner can be useful for skin examination and diagnosis. A dermatoscope is an advanced magnifying glass that allows one to look through the top layer of skin. This allows one to see structures that are normally invisible to the naked eye. That's why dermatologists routinely use a dermatoscope.

The study shows that a dermatoscope is also a valuable addition for the general practitioner. It was concluded that its use reduces the need to refer a patient to a hospital specialist. In addition, a suspicious area is less likely to be excised unnecessarily by the general practitioner.

(source: http://www.umcg.nl/NL/UMCG/Nieuws/Persberichten/Pages/Gebruik-dermatoscoop-door-huisarts-waardevol-bij-verdachte-plekjes.aspx)



  • - Halogen or innovative LED technology
  • - Dermatoscopes from German medical equipment manufacturer (since 1890)
  • - High quality, accurate and reliable; ISO and CE certified
  • - Available in different variants/models


KaWe research instruments are very easy to use and require little or no maintenance. You can also compose your individual diagnostic set according to your own wishes.
